Wednesday, September 1, 2010


It is very easy to forgive others their mistakes. It takes more gut and gumption to forgive them for having witnessed your own.

How we hate to be seen as our most naked selves! We feel noble when we forgive others their awful mistakes, yet we become paralyzed with guilt and shame when we realize that they have caught us in our worst moments. It is so tempting to try to find something wrong with them and take the focus off what we have done. We have always been told, that the best defense is a good offense. How hard it is to let ourselves claim and own our mistakes.! Yet, also how freeing.

We have the possibility of not only forgiving those who have witnessed our mistakes but also of embracing them as a gift to help keep us honest.

Sometimes my gifts are so well-wrapped I have difficulty recognizing them as such. As I unwrap myself, I can unwrap each present.

1 comment:

Bold Strokes said...

You seem to be turning into a wise old woman, Shwets. And, I don't mean "old" old. I hope you know that. :-)