Sunday, August 22, 2010


It's really up to us what we do with our lives. We may have been battered, beaten, cheated, spoiled, or over-indulged. All of us have feelings and memories we need to work through. None of us had perfect families.

The question for us is how have our experiences affected us and what we need to do to learn from those experiences, to work through those lessons, integrate them into our being, turn them over and move on?

When we get stuck in our blame, anger, hurt, and denial, we are the ones who suffer. It is up to us to 'make good use of bad rubbish.'

I believe the intensity of the whack alongside the head that life has to give us in order to get a lesson through to us is directly proportional to the height and breadth of our stubbornness and illusion of control.

Problems give us the opportunity to learn something. If we don't get the learning the first time around, we get another chance, and another, and another. If we miss the learning completely the first time, the next whack will be a little harder, and then the next time even harder. We get many opportunities to learn the lessons we need to learn in this life.

Obstacles are gifts for learning. We never really know what we have learned until we have learned it. Then we are ready for the next learning.

If my life resembles a garbage dump, it is up to me to sort it through, turn over the soil, and plant flowers to make use of all the natural fertilizers...

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