1. The most important person in your life is YOU. Not your kids, not your spouse, not your parents. You will have to take care of yourself first before taking care of others you love.
2. Never depend on anyone else to be happy. Never depend on anyone else to make you happy.
3. Accept the fact that you and your spouse are really TWO individuals. If you can accept that, then most of your problems will be solved by themselves.
4. Your spouse can have things that they like, and you may not like them. Instead of forcing yourself do those things with them and ending up bitter, just happily let them do what they want to and you do things you like.
5. Do not always expect your spouse to do things to make you happy. You do things to make yourself happy. When you are happy you automatically will do things that will make them happy.
6. Do not worry about what others say or think. Do what you feel is right for you without hurting others. You are the only person you have to answer to and also the only person who have to be better than.
7. There maybe certain things in life that you may not be able to accept. Your spouse may have a certain quality or attitude that is totally against your beliefs. Don't stand up totally against it and fight it.
8. Every one has their own interests & common interests with their partner - don't convert them forcibly. Introduce them to your interests but let them make their own decision & at the same time be open to their interests. You don't have to like them all.
9. A marriage is two people with totally different wavelengths trying to make music together. If the pitch & frequency is not complementary, no harmonious melody can be heard; only static will occur. In most situations, a woman's store of infinite patience, self-belief and seeing things in the broader context of family rather than me/mine, will certainly help, in creating a symphony.
10. Make sure, you give in - all fights should be resolved at the earliest. You give up your ego for your own personal gain emotionally. You will notice a magical change in your spouse, the next morning. This is one instance where we win ultimately by losing ourselves. You stand to gain!