Friday, March 15, 2013

Lesson#3 ~ Get to Know the Real You (1.3)

The majority of us are so caught up in our lives that we've forgotten who we truly are. When someone asks us to introduce ourselves, we respond by telling them what we do, where we live and who we know. Now, those are certainly important aspects of our life, but they aren't our whole life - or at least they shouldn't be.

We women are so identified with our roles as mother, wife, caretaker, daughter, career woman etc. - that we often lose track of ourselves. We forgot who we are beyond these roles. We forget who we wanted to be, what we dreamt of becoming, what we love, what we value. In fact, we forget our 'self'!

Questions worth pondering over:
  • How do people in my life see me? What do they come to me for?
  • What role do I play most often, and how has playing this role served me? Does it still serve me?
  • How has playing this role blocked me from doing the things I truly enjoy?
So, its time to peel away everything that is non essential and discover our authentic identity. Reclaim the woman we truly are!

Remember, what's most important in our life. Remember our hopes and dreams. Discover or rediscover our deepest yearnings. In order to do this, we need to embark on a search-and -rescue mission to comb back through our life and recover our joy, wisdom, passion, enthusiasm, self-confidence, vitality - the threads of our true selves we lost along the way.

Creating a life we love requires courage, commitment and perseverance. All of which we have. The call now is for us to be authentically ourself.

I am reconnecting with my authentic self and reclaiming my true joys and passions.....

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Lesson#2 ~ Recognize Your Strengths (1.2)

Until you make peace with who you are, you'll never be content with what you have...

We tend to think that through criticism or judgement, one can shame oneself into being different. But this rarely works. Most people don't respond well to disparagement; in fact, they usually become defensive and resistant.

We're no different. In order to make the changes necessary to create the life we want, we have to shift our position from focusing on our flaws and shortcomings to recognizing our strengths, talents and positive qualities. We have to create a foundation of love and support.

We need to maintain a balanced, compassionate view of ourselves. Everything we've done, everyone we've loved, every mistake we've made, every obstacle we've overcome, is part of woman we are today.

Questions worth asking ourselves:
  • What are three things I've accomplished in my life that I am most proud of?
  • What are five of my strengths, talents, and positive qualities? (Yes, all of us do have them....its just a matter of realizing fact if we spend a little time, we'll find that there are far more than five!)
  • How do I use my gifts and strengths in everyday life?
  • Are there ways in which I could make better use of my resources?
Change occurs most readily from a foundation of acceptance and support. A committed, nurturing relationship with ourselves is essential. The only way we will create a life we love is with one caring, compassionate act at a time. We have to love and appreciate ourselves into wholeness. We need to be there for ourselves if we are going to change the things in our lives that are robbing us of living our best life.

I acknowledge and accept myself for who I am....

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Essential Ingredient#1 ~ Re-collect Yourself

Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world...

I must undertake to love myself and to respect myself as though my very life depends upon self-love and self-respect.

Lesson#1 ~ Take Stock of Your Life (1.1)
Most of us long for something more - more time, more money, more friends, a better relationship with spouse or family. The first step to creating a life we love, is to look back over our lives not with a critical eye, but rather to discover the connecting thread that gives our lives rhythm and meaning. In recalling our lives, we re-collect ourselves. We gather together our forgotten priorities and passions. Yet, in order to do this, we have to know who we are and what truly matters.

Each of us need to ask ourselves, what do I love? What are my core values and beliefs? What are my own needs and desires? How can I create a life that fits exactly who I am now, not who I've been?

This understanding will provide us with a chance for reevaluation and, if need be, corrections...

I appreciate and value myself, for I have done extraordinary things...

Monday, March 11, 2013

Life's Lessons - Coming Soon!

Hello World! Apologies for not having been here in ages...will try to make my presence felt more often henceforth. Just started reading this book - Life's Lessons for Women, found it really nice and worth sharing! Watch this space, as will be posting some nuggets of wisdom from the book here in the next few days... Till then, take very good care of yourselves... Love ya all... Cheers, Shweta