Integrity is so perishable in the summer months of success....
I sometimes wonder, have I let my integrity slip in order to succeed? Have there been times that I was willing to look the other way or take the easy way out in order to avoid conflict or gain acceptance?
Everyday we are offered opportunities to sacrifice our integrity on issues that may be of the utmost importance or on ones that appear insignificant. Without our integrity, there is no way that we can feel good about ourselves. Success and loss of integrity are not synonymous. In fact, true success requires great integrity.
These "little" incidents of integrity slippage eat away at us like termites. How important it is to stop and take a look at the decisions we have made! What a relief it is to know that our valued integrity is there deep within us and that we can reconnect with it at a moment's notice.
Checking for possible slips of integrity allows me to feel better about myself....