If you want to fly, you’ve got to give up that, which weighs you down….
When I am all hassled about something, I always stop and ask myself what difference will it make in my life after next ten years, and that question always helps me get back my perspective.
“Little things mean a lot”, especially when we focus all our attention on them, obsess and ruminate about them, and can’t let them go. Sometimes, we just keep turning disturbing thoughts over and over in our minds, believing that we will surely figure out some solutions if we just think about them long enough and check out every angle. When we engage in this behavior, it is a sure sign that we are in the addictive process and thinking ourselves to death. I have always found that when I am in my addictive process, I have lost perspective. I suddenly become the center of the universe, and my problems are the only ones in the universe.
It always helps me to step back and realize that whatever problem I am having is probably not of universal proportions. This perspective helps me to see that I am powerless over my crazy thinking, and that it is making my life insane. At this point, I can get back in touch with my knowing that a power greater than myself can restore me to sanity, and I can turn this problem over to this greater power.
The ONLY way to grow is to let go….